24 November 2011



Answer these questions:

1. What animals did you see? Write their names in each space.

Coast Animals:

Mountains Animals:

Jungle Animals:

2. Now write the description of your favourite zoo animals. Choose two animals from each region. Use the adjetives and capabilites that you have learned. Write sentences with: Has got/have got; can and can´t, always and never.

Recommendations: You can look up more information in the web or in books, about the animals./ You can draw or cut pictures of the animals. 

For example: The sheep is from the mountains. It´s white and its skin is soft. It´s medium. It has got four legs. It hasn´t got a tail. Its neck is short. It can walk. It can´t run very fast. It´s herbivouros. It never fly. It always...



Make a poster of your favourite Zoo Animal. Use pastel crayons or paint (témperas)to do it. You are going to expose your poster with the description and habilities of your favourite animal to the class. Use the vocabulary and expresions that you have learned.

sparkling animated zoo animals at night

Presentation in folder. Except the poster.
Poster size: A3 or wallpaper (en papelógrafos o cartulina)
Presentation Date: Since 5th December to 7th December.
Expositions date: Since 9th December to 13th December.

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